Dealing with State, Procrastination & Block

Disclaimer: The following information is not designed to address mental health issues. I am not a Mental health expert, mental health is a serious issue and requires you to consult with a mental health specialist.

The following information is designed to help assist you in dealing with your state, procrastination and mental blocks; it is not a shield or excuse in justifying a delay in addressing an issue. It takes maturity to face up to a problem, take full responsibility and then take action to rectify the situation.

Make sure you are in a good state

Your state refers to your current mental and physical condition which is feed by the story your mind is telling yourself. If the story is negative or defeatist, you may position yourself as a victim of circumstance and become self-focused creating suffering because you’re focused on yourself.

To fix a problem you can’t be in a negative state, so how can I get in a good state and change my story?

Hacks to help you reach a good state

Physical exercise


Cold shower

  • Improves circulation.

  • Relieves depression.

  • Strengthens immunity.

  • Increases energy and well-being.

  • Cold showers build massive will power.

  • Cold Showers Increase Alertness.

  • They Reduce Stress.

  • They Improve Emotional Resilience.

  • They Drain Your Lymphatic System.




Indecision = Procrastination

Determine which course of action offers the most value and start working on it. Work on it for 20 minutes completely uninterrupted, it doesn’t matter if the work is terrible and you need to throw it away the point is to take the first steps.

Value tip

“Which one of these if done will make all rest easier to do or all the rest irrelevant” - Tim Ferriss.

Approaching a task

  1. Divide the task you are attempting into the smallest actions conceivable.

  2. Make the task very specific and easy to achieve.

    1. Goal: Set a low bar.

    2. Activities/ Components: Minimal effective dose.

    3. Physical actions: Make them achievable.

  3. Set positive time constraints. Work on a task without interruption 20-25 minutes then take a break. The goal here is not to complete the task as more than likely you won’t have enough time; rather the goal is to maximize your use of time in the most effective way possible via these mini sprints.

Parkinson's law is the adage that "work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion".


  • Do not have a video playing.

  • Do not have the radio playing.

  • Music must be in a list or loop, so you don’t need to control it.

  • The music playing must not have singing or a voice (Breaks concentration and uses cognitive energy).

  • Music playing must not be erratic.

Defeating block

  • Force start, dedicate the next 20 minutes to the task with no distractions, if anything distracts you start the timer again.

  • Rig it so you can win by making the task very specific and easy to achieve, e.g., Write one word, write one line, etc.

  • Make it playful, lower your expectations on the quality of the work as it is okay to throw away.

  • Go with the flow.


The pivot method

  • Pick a theme which has multiple tasks (e.g., Programming, modeling, design).

  • Work on one element for a minimum set time then once tired or no longer productive pivot to another task (e.g., Program for 30mins, pivot to modeling).

  • This method makes sure you are continually winning and productively rewarding your efforts.

Rituals and routines

Avoid falling into procrastination and negativity. Create a routine which you follow as if you were at work.

  • What do the first 60 minutes of your day look like?

  • Get up early as if you are going to work (Hold yourself to start time).

  • Create a routine that lets you easily achieve something of value without fail within the first hour of your day (Work, exercise, learning, etc). You will be surprised how having a victory early in the day sets up the rest of your day.

  • Dedicate a set amount of time to dedicate to your work and set some easily achievable goals. Make sure your expectations are below your capabilities (Both in time and aspiration), so you are winning every day.

  • Be consistent with your ritual or routine.