Transitioning to the real world P1: Advice which would have helped my young self

In writing this for Students about to graduate, I thought what advice I would give to my self when I was graduating? I then realized advice wasn’t what I needed at that time, what I needed was to address the mental aspects of the transition as well as the reality. The following information in combination with the “A letter to my Students” series is designed to create a framework and provide Students with tools in making the transition.


In this section review your view of the world, your place in the world, and your trajectory through the world.

  • What do you currently hope to achieve in life?

  • Where does your passion lie?

  • Are your goals your own, or just what you thought you should want?

  • If I keep doing things the way I am doing them; where am I going to end up?

  • How could I better say no to noise and say yes to what is true?


Assess and list your priorities in life.


If you are unsure about your answers and have doubt, you need to take responsibility now, go out and experience life outside of games.

Gather the money to travel on your own in a foreign country, even better if you can’t speak the language, don't do the typical tourist thing, have an objective which creates an experience, you want experiences they will help shape who you are and the direction of your life.


“The reason you’re suffering is that you’re focused on yourself” - Tony Robbins.

The following exercise is designed to alleviate the anxiety you may be feeling as you are coming to the end of your student journey and begin your foray into the professional world.

Tim Ferriss - Why you should define your fears instead of your goals.

Use the fear setting form shown in the video by Tim Ferriss to define a fear, create a strategy to prevent it coming to fruition and a contingency to repair the problem if it occurs.

  • Define your fears leaving the course?

  • Define your fears in being a game designer?

  • Define the cause/reason of the fear?

  • Define the worst possible outcome for each fear as well as them all happening at once?

  • List a series of steps you can take to avoid these fears coming to fruition?

  • Define a contingency plan if something goes wrong?

Remember when you graduate you essentially have earned a white belt and are ready to begin your training to become a professional.


  • What is your current ultimate professional goal?

  • List the type of products/games you would like to work on?

  • List three strengths that you believe currently define you in your chosen profession? (e.g., Game designer: Level design, economies, narrative, etc).

  • List the countries where you would potentially like to work?


Define the cost of in-action (Emotionally, physically, financially) using the cost of inaction form as shown in the videos above.

To be continued!