Identity Skiddoo Insider


Skiddoo is the fastest growing online travel agency in Australia. The Skiddoo brand is an aspirational brand putting travel experiences in reach of young professionals and higher education students. Skiddoo customers have expectations around the price, digital access to access flight details on their device of choice and mobile access to support.



The company decided to launch a member benefit scheme to activate existing subscribers and entice new customers to become loyal members of the Skiddoo brand. A name and identity for the rewards program which would fit the existing Skiddoo brand were required.



Many names and designs were iterated on from aspirational identities to common puns.


After much discussion about the core values of Skiddoo and the customer archetype of the brand, the member program was named Skiddoo Insider. The design of the logo kept the familiar Skiddoo logo but incorporated the word “INSIDER“ underneath. The design encapsulates the “IN“ within a box and the “SIDER to the side of the box. The design may appear familiar to some young professionals (A large part of our audience) as it shares characteristics with the linked-in brand.
