Self Reflection

Preface: This was part of a lecture I delivered in 2017 which was delivered with a series of exercises.

In this section we are going to Challenge your view of the world, your place in the world, and your trajectory through the world?

First lets get some perspective on life and the time you have left on the Planet

Now ask yourself;

  • What do you currently hope to achieve in life?

  • Where does your passion lie?

  • Are your goals your own, or just what you thought you should want?

  • If I keep doing things the way I am doing them; where am I going to end up?

  • How could I better say no to noise and say yes to what is true?

  • Assess and list your priorities in life.

If you are unsure about your answers and have a doubt you need to take responsibility, now, go out and experience life.

Things often hold us back from doing so, (Demons of the past etc.) much of which has to do with fear and our minds. In overcoming fear and the prison it builds I find it useful to tackle the aspects of what you fear head-on through often through exercises such as Fear Setting

I personally find it more important and difficult to address the much bigger topic of identifying, understanding and separating your mind so you can be true to yourself.

I was lucky and came across a hugely influential book (Game changer for me) on understanding time and the relationship between yourself and your mind, this book is called The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle (I recommend the audio book as you need the 3rd person view).


If you have the money travel, if you don't have the money make money then travel. Travel on your own in a foreign country, even better travel to a country where you can’t speak the language. Don't just do the typical tourist traps for the sake of it, set an objective which creates an experience; propagate experiences that create lessons they will help shape and discover who you are and the direction of your life.

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